All photos published on the Laria website can be used for free of charge. Retailers of Laria and SQ Professional products may use them for commercial purposes or non-commercial photo sharing and blogging.
You do not need to ask permission to use these images, however, it is necessary to provide credit to SQ Professional when using the images on your site.
You may not modify, recreate or sell these images, nor add different company watermarks.
Laria logos within the photos are protected by copyright and trademark laws.
No Laria logos may be modified in any way, including – but not limited to – changing the colour or fonts.
The images shared on this site are all pictures shown for illustration purpose only.
The use of these photos is only intended for the use on websites. No permission is given to using these images for print.
To download the images you wish to use, simply follow the instructions below (please note this function is available on Desktop only):
Single product images: On a product page , simply click on the download icon in the "specifications" section, and get all the relevant images downloaded as a .zip file on your device.